Windows to my Soul

I’ve been asked several times how I decide what to paint. Sometimes, it’s as simple as wanting to recreate a beautiful scene I’ve witnessed either live or in a photo…sometimes it’s as simple as I was assigned to paint a certain subject for a class. But, more often than not, the decision is made way down deep…I have something on my mind and want to portray that specific feeling or emotion…make that specific statement, with my brushes.

I’m sure it’s the same with all artists, regardless of what they create. They have something to say that the world needs to hear…some inspirational story behind their creation. The choice of subjects to include, the choice of colors, the choice of brushstrokes and textures all combine to set the mood and send the message. Sometimes, the message is obvious…sometimes not. But the beauty of art is that there can be many different messages…one for each person who views and interprets that painting. Art speaks to us all in different ways.

Some time ago, I saw a painting in a gallery in Gatlinburg that really spoke to me. The painting was of a majestic lion, looking upward. The scene created a peacefulness inside my heart that brought tears to my eyes. It was that sense of peace and calm that drew me to it. I purchased a print of it and learned some months later the artist’s inspiration behind it. The Lion represented Jesus in the garden before he was crucified…he was looking heavenward and giving himself to God’s will, regardless of the pain and suffering he knew he’d face. The painting I’m referring to is “Humility” by Abraham Hunter. Once I learned the story behind the piece, I connected with it even more if that’s possible, and the painting then became a window to the artist’s soul. I watched the same situation play out with another visitor to the same gallery yesterday. The connection that develops between artist and viewer when the story behind the artwork is made known is undeniably powerful.

It’s these stories behind the artworks that I want people to know. I want there to be more of a connection than someone thinking…oh, that’s pretty! I want people to know the inspiration behind and message in each my paintings. It may be difficult for some artists to share their innermost thoughts, wants, desires, dreams, and fears with their audience, but that vulnerability can change the world. We artists have the power to inspire someone, to heal someone, to bring someone joy…and that’s a power we need to use for the good of the world we live in. And there, in a nutshell, is the story behind my studio’s slogan…an inside look at my mission. “Inspired Brushworks: Inspired Art, Inspired World.”

In the future, I’m going to put into words the story behind each of my paintings and include it with each original or print that I display at a show or sell to a collector. Someone out there can relate to that story. Someone needs to see through that window to my soul to the deepest dreams, joys, and fears that lie within. Deep down there, in that most vulnerable place, there is a message someone else needs to hear.

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